Room Description

  • Cozy A/C Room

    This is an elegantly furnished AC room with an efficient 24-hour room service. Basic facilities include a color television with satellite network and a telephone with direct dial facility. null

  • Luxury A/C Room

    There are 16 such types of rooms that are elegantly furnished with an efficient 24-hour room service. Basic facilities include a color television with satellite network and a telephone with direct dial facility.null

  • Royal Darbar A/C Room

    There are three such types of rooms that are elegantly furnished with an efficient 24-hour room service. Basic facilities include a color television with satellite network and a telephone with direct dial facility.null

  • Royal A/C Room

    There are three such types of rooms that are elegantly furnished with an efficient 24-hour room service. Basic facilities include a color television with satellite network and a telephone with direct dial facility.null

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